Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Making Sense-"Blaxicans"

Rodriguez's essay tip toes on a very sensative issue in today's world, ethnicity. It is a fact that the United States in no longer a white and black country. It is the world's most diverse country. It is home to every country around the world. He explains how the term Hispanic is a gringo created term because it fails to properly associate with the people it describes. It only makes it easy to group a people with similiar geographic links in the South American region. Many people are accepting this false label that has been tagged to themselves. It would be interesting if the citizens of the United States adopted a new ethnic tag based on their surroundings. As a society, stereotyping would decrease because it would be impossible to know a person's surroundings at home. I would support this type of society because it would be a more cooperative environment. Each city would want to build each other up instead of tearing each other down. In an ideal world, this could be a reality. Unfortunately, this can only be a fantasy in all of the racially segregated neighborhoods.

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